Lectura de sambata dimineata

„Credinta pe care o poarta acum in ea nu are nimic exaltat. Este o incredere calma, o certitudine linistita. Stie acum ca poti trai in foarte cotidiana asteptare a miracolului. Ca asteptarea aceasta este un mod de viata. Ca a-si aminti de o mana pusa pe spatele gatului ei, acea mana mare si lunga a necunoscutului care-i tinea astfel capul, in dragostea lor, a retrai fie si numai senzatia acelei maini intretesute in parul ei este suficient ca sa fie fericita, puternica, indiferenta la micile rani ale zilelor. Mirosul focului din semineul din „galeria oglinzilor” este, de unul singur, o bucurie discreta, naturala ca aerul, inepuizabila.

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Intelege, totodata, ca ii este imposibil sa le explice aceasta bucurie altora….

[…] Ea traieste acum sub acel cer larg si senin care se afla in ea. Caldura este deja primavaratica. LUmina este atat de puternica incat este imposibil sa-si imagineze un vizitator nocturn care s-ar strecura pe usa „galeriei oglinzilor”. Si totusi numai pe el il asteapta. Aceasta asteptare o face si mai detasate.

[…] Si apoi vine ziua aceea de la inceputul lui mai, cand strada este orbita de soare, asurzita de claxoanele masinilor al caror flux se stranguleaza in palnia formata de barierele lucrarilor de asfaltare.”

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In ultimele luni, diminetile mele de sambata sunt fie ocupate, fie lenese. Insa printre picaturi (sau fulgi, inca suntem in sezonul rece) imi fac timp sa va fac o recomandare. Pasajul de mai sus este dintr-o frumoasa carte de Gabriel Osmonde aka Adrei Makine, a carui scriitura contemplativa face ca romanul sa curga poetic, ca o dupa-amiaza de mai. Titlul ei este la fel de poetic: „Calatoria unei femei care nu se mai temea de imbatranire”. Cititi-o; la final veti respira diferit.

Inainte de a va lasa sa cititi cele mai interesante articole gasite online in ultima perioada, trei mici anunturi: 1. mai avem un ultim loc disponibil la Style Masterclass-ul de sambata urmatoare, so hurry up! 2. am deschis pre-inscrierile si pentru editia de la finalul lui martie, imi puteti scrie la aceeasi adresa (inscrieri(at)imagematters(punct)ro; 3. in martie vor fi si 2 editii de Style Conversations, dedicate tendintelor din primavara 2015; daca vreti sa primiti newsletterul si sa va rezervati locul in avans, scrieti-mi la office(at)imagematters(punct)ro.

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And now, on with the show… Cu cafeaua in fata, ce citim astazi?

Millennials Redefine Luxury — and the Stakes Are High – “The industry is in the midst of a seismic shift, as younger shoppers, new technology and the desire to spend on high-end experiences are reshaping modern luxury.” Pe CNBC

Luxury Cars Imprint Their Brands on Goods From Cologne to Clothing – „Several luxury automakers, including Bentley, have been expanding the lines of goods they sell that have little to do with cars. Earlier this month, Bentley, a British brand, announced its fifth men’s fragrance in the last two years. Bentley also lends its name to furniture, skis, handbags and hotel suites.” In NY Times

Fashion Company Tweets About Its Interns; PR Nightmare Ensues – “Asos, a U.K.-based online seller of fashion and beauty products, tweeted a photo of 14 of its interns that sparked public outcry on Wednesday.” Pe Bloomberg

Warby Parker sees the future of retail – “Innovation is often the product of mistakes made, of caution thrown to the wind. And yet, the ability to be disruptive and quietly meticulous might just be the difference between a bubble-fueled fad and a business built to last.” In Fast Company

Tom Ford on his fall out with YSL, dressing his celebrity friends and making another film – Ahead of his autumn/winter 2015 show which will be staged for the first time in Los Angeles, Tom Ford has given a candid interview to CNBC on the ups and downs of his career.” In The Independent.

The French Connection – “Forty years ago, Sonia Rykiel proved that a smart mind could be sexy. Building on that legacy, the designer Julie de Libran is taking Rykiel’s storied house to new heights.” In W Magazine

Why public school’s designers are rising stars – “Take stock of what designers in your niche have done before, in order not to replicate it — because anyone who is any good is looking at the same sources.” In NY Magazine

The post-trend universe – “In a world where fashion moves Instagram-fast, the “look” of the season is a thing of the past. And that’s a cause for rejoicing.” In T Magazine

How far do men go for a custom suit? Around the world – “The bespoke suit, with its exquisite detail and luxurious fabrics, was once reserved for only wealthy style connoisseurs, but custom tailoring is becoming a growing trend among professional men, as prices fall and awareness grows.” In CNCBC

What the tech world doesn’t understand about fashion – “The tech world is infatuated with fashion. This is because fashion has something tech seriously wants: the ability to create and sustain demand for products that are—let’s face it—kind of useless.” In Racked

Fotografii: pinterest.com

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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