Lectura de sambata dimineata

M-au surprins (placut, evident! dar tot m-au surprins) reactiile voastre frumoase la articolul despre cum ne-am putea bucura si am putea onora faptul ca suntem femei. Cinica cum sunt, m-am intrebat daca asta nu inseamna, cumva, ca avem nevoie de mai multe lectii de viata si de eleganta morala, decat de lectii de stil. Iar apoi, intrebarea mea fireasca a fost: „dar de ce nu suntem noi acele lectii? de ce asteptam sa le primim sau sa le observam de la altii?”

Meme-urile de pe facebook, share-urile unor pagini importante (cazuri de caritate, organizatii de voluntariat samd) nu sunt suficiente. Nivelul declarativ e egal cu zero. Cel putin din perspectiva mea. Din punctul meu de vedere, a spune inseamna mai putin decat a face, mai ales cand e vorba de a te fali cu ceva (orice) ce tine de normalitate sau de extraordinar. Keep it under your hat. No one likes a a smart ass.

In schimb, puteti incepe cu gesturi marunte dar dese, gesturi semmnificative. Spre exemplu, a multumi unei femei importante din viata voastra pentru prezenta, eforturi, incurajari, caldura, imbratisari. Puteti ridica acum telefonul sa o sunati sau, daca va incumetati sa o faceti public, Pandora va ofera o astfel de platforma aici. E adevarat, exista si o delicata bratara-premiu, dar nu o faceti pentru cadou – ci pentru gest in sine. Live big, girls, descoperiti ce conteaza si ce nu, dar mai ales give something back!

Acum, daca tot am terminat cu mandolinele si momentele siropoase, va re-aduc aminte ca va puteti inscrie la editia de martie a Style Masterclass, in 28 martie (ca sa va convingeti cum e, cititi si ce au avut de spus fostele participante!), iar daca vreti sa va fiti la curent cu tendintele acestui sezon haideti la una din editiile Style Conversations – mai sunt 2 locuri libere pentru 14 martie si altele 2 pentru 21 martie.

In sfarsit, va las sa cititi recomandarile acestei saptamani. sa incepeti primavara cu gratie, cu sufletul plin si cu mintea limpede!

Cobbled Together With No Money’: Katy England on the Early Years of Alexander McQueen – “‘The memories come flooding back because you are looking at all these amazing pieces and they mean so much because you know the stories behind them – the circumstances.’” In The Telegraph

A Fashion Magazine’s Successful Business Model (Hint: It’s Free!) – “Herein lies the strength of Stylist: It’s something of quality on paper for the Internet generation who are used to getting media free, with the added human element of hands-on distribution.” In NY Times

Retail Reaches a Tipping Point – “Retail is at an inflection point, even though e-commerce still makes up a relatively small percentage of all retail sales. The trends lines are clear: many retail segments are under assault by cheaper, more convenient retailers selling online.” In Forbes

Suzy Menkes Interviews Marc Jacobs – “‘I look at young fashion and it seems like it’s all the same – the idea of what is edgy or cool. It’s style with no substance; it doesn’t really seem born of anything. I don’t see the rebellion or edge in it.’” In Vogue UK

$10,000 Watch Tests Apple’s Luxury Appeal – “For some high-end customers, even $10,000 is a small price to pay for a watch; the fact it will be obsolete in two or three years merely adds to the ostentation of its purchase.” In Financial Times

The Best Collaborations Across Art, Film and Fashion – „Miuccia Prada once said that „since Dalí and Elsa Schiaparelli nothing really meaningful has happened, maybe Vivienne Westwood with music. That was the last collaboration that was something relevant and original.” This is one of the few times we have found that our opinions differ.” In Another Mag

The Fall of the Hipster Brand: Inside the Decline of American Apparel and Urban Outfitters – “Once a fashion statement becomes mainstream, it alienates the original core of people that were doing it in the first place.” In Racked

Karl Lagerfeld on Fur (Yea), Selfies (Nay) and Keeping Busy – “‘I know the technique, I know the materials. I haven’t used some of them for quite a long time. So it’s fun to use it again to do something I haven’t done with them before. I hope I have enough ideas that I can make something new out of that.’” In NY Times

The Rise of Mobile Fashion is Making Everything Flatter – “The fact is most creative designers, if they work for a big brand, have to strike a balance between being efficient and giving a mere taste of newness. Realistically, they don’t have time to do more.” In NY Magazine

Miuccia Prada on Art, Fashion and Politics – „Today everything has become more quick and much more superficial in a way. There is a growing sense that you have to constantly change and impress.” In Another Mag

The Maker of the World’s Coolest Hats is Heading Toward Bankruptcy – “Borsalino, the legendary Italian hat maker that has been covering the heads of Hollywood stars and the world’s rich and famous is in financial trouble—and may be close to bankruptcy.” In Quartz

Zac Posen Reviving Charles James: Too Close a Fit, Perhaps Leaves Little Room for Growth – “The trouble with recruiting a designer whose aesthetic is so superficially associated with its founder and charging him with the reinvention of a fashion label is… exactly that. How could you get anything new? Where’s the room for development?” In The Independent

Fotografii: pinterest.com

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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3 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    Oana says:

    Vor exista si workshopuri in Timisoara in viitorul apropriat?

  2. 2
    Clarra says:

    La multi ani, draga Irina! Sa ai o primavara plina de soare, zambete, iubire.

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