Lectura de sambata dimineata

„Spring immediately conjures up thoughts of new beginnings, fresh growth and revived ideas. In a romanticised conception of the season, the landscape begins to look like a Claude Monet painting and everything begins to be lighter and in a beautiful state of flux. During this period of transformation, there are some traditions to which I constantly return:

Lectura de sambata dimineata

Early morning breakfast dates: while winter is conducive to the pleasant indulgences of sleeping in and breakfast in bed, the shift brought about by spring demands different morning rituals, that include venturing outside. Waking up early enough to catch the first whispers of birdsong, I love beginning the day with one or two close friends in my regular cafe.

Impromptu bicycle rides: as the gray and wry days of winter months slowly give way to condensed hours of delights and warmth, I most look forward to bringing my bicycle out of hibernation. I don’t need a specific destination in mind when I set out on my cycling trips, rather I am content to drift through my neighbourhood, observing the everyday life.

Add to that afternoon teas, picnics in the park, spring cleaning the house, buying fresh flowers and traveling to Paris…”*

Lectura de sambata dimineata

Nu va sugerez ca maine, la prima ora, sa ne imbracam toate in primul zbor spre Paris sau sa facem dintr-o astfel de calatorie o traditie. Desi ar fi frumos… In schimb, ne putem incepe diminetile pasind intr-o pereche de balerini usori, parfumandu-ne cu „L’air du temps”, pregatind un cafe au lait, fredonand o sansoneta (iar celor de 37 de ani sau peste le recomand The Ballad of Lucy Jordan), iar spre seara revazand romanticul Amelie, magicul Une femme est une femme sau  unul din filmele mele preferate pour toujours, Paris je t’aime.

Lectura de sambata dimineata

Voi cum va incepeti primavara? Purtati mai mult verde si renuntati la negru? Uitati de pantaloni si traiti un intreg anotimp in fuste si rochii? Va ordonati si organizati garderoba? Va schimbati machiajul si cartile de pe noptiera? Va cumparati flori sau gatiti mancaruri mai „verzi”? Ce obiceiuri schimbati?

Inainte de a va lasa sa cititi recomandarile saptamanii, va invit sa lasati un comentariu la concursul derulat impreuna cu Dove Romania (ramaneti pe frecventa oricum, voi avea cate un concurs nou in fiecare saptamana: veti putea castiga o rochie splendida si minimalista, ochelari de soare, carti de moda si o pereche extraordinara de pantofi sau sandale, la alegerea voastra!). Daca sunteti in Timisoara (si orasele din apropiere: Arad, Lugoj etc) va dau intalnire joi, 23 aprilie, la ora 16 in Iulius Mall, la un Style & Shopping session organizat impreuna cu C&A si, in sfarsit, va mai puteti inscrie la Style Masterclass-ul de sambata urmatoare, 25 aprilie, mai este un ultim loc liber!

Lectura de sambata dimineata

And now, on with the show…

Rick Owens on Controversy and Adolescence – Rick Owens is dressed in layered black jersey t-shirts, drop crotch shorts and sneakers (unlaced), all of his own making. For the uninitiated the latter are the seven-league boots of high-tops: tall and immense of tongue, they reach to mid calf. The effect is of sportswear pushed to the point where it is heroic: gladiatorial. In Another Magazine

Viral style: Why are we obsessed? – It happened with Serial. It happened with Girls. It happened with #TheDress. Whether it’s tulips or the Kardashians, throughout history we have loved whipping ourselves into a state of frenzied obsession – and now the internet allows this collective fervour to exist on an unprecedented scale. Pe BBC.co.uk

How handbags became affordable – Basic spec designer handbags now come with stratospheric price tags – but the backlash has spawned a new generation of specialists making reasonably priced bags. In The Telegraph.

The Fashion Magazines That Are Winning on Social Media – According to a report published by the Magazine Media Industry, magazines’ social media followings are on the rise. There was a 7% increase in likes and followers in the first quarter of 2015 among 222 magazines that were surveyed, and within the fashion set, Vogue beat out its competition in terms of number of followers on every major platform. In Racked.

Awards season: Is fashion’s new welfare state really benefiting anyone? – We’re knee-deep in awards season. Two weeks ago, the winner of the 2015 BFC/Vogue Fashion Fund was announced – it went to Mary Katrantzou, the first female designer to win. And last week, the shortlist for its masculine counterpart was named, featuring a sweep of young London talent encompassing suiters (E Tautz), tracksuiters (Astrid Andersen), and various aesthetic inbetweeners. In The Independent.

Anatomy of a high-street hit: the skirt that saved M&S – The Skirt That Saved Marks and Spencer finally arrived in store on Friday. A Seventies-style brown suede skirt from the store’s Autograph collection, it costs £199 and has already been called the „skirt of the season” for its role in the brand’s small but significant 0.7 per cent recent rise in sales. In Financial Times

The Business of Menswear Is Booming, So Will It Always Be in Womenswear’s Shadow? – enswear is growing. Like a toddler at the heels of his big sister, it’s growing fast, even faster than womenswear. A recent report found that growth of men’s clothing sales is outpacing both computers and beer; another showed that menswear grew faster than womenswear in 2014-4.5 percent versus 3.7 percent. Pe Style.com

At Tiffany, Something New Inside the Blue Box – Back in February at the Academy Awards, the Australian actress Cate Blanchett made her usual regal turn on the red carpet, a vision of cool beauty in a silk velvet sheath. The dress, designed by John Galliano for Maison Margiela, was so conspicuous for its lack of frippery it might have easily been interpreted as an emblem of Mr. Galliano’s continuing public chastening. In NY Times

Is Alexander Wang Really the Most Influential Designer in the World? – The Time magazine „100 Most Influential People” list is out, and there are four fashion names on it (or two, and two kind-of-fashion names): Alexander Wang, under artists; Diane von Furstenberg, under icons; and Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, under titans. In NY Times

John Galliano Back and Ready to Take Over the Fashion World – Early in March 2015, almost exactly four years since he spontaneously combusted with a booze-fuelled, anti-Semitic rant in a Parisian café, John Galliano presented his comeback collection on the catwalks at the Grand Palais. His collection was called „Défilé” – defiled? Spoiled? Violated? – and comprised 30 looks created for his new employer, Maison Margiela. In Newsweek

*Kinfolk magazine, Spring 2014 edition

Fotografii: pinterest.com

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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  1. 1

    Ce frumos, articolul asta mi-a inspirat ziua 🙂
    Da, ard de nerabdare cand vine caldura sa fac schimbari, ies mai mult in natura, unde totul e verde, proaspat si aduc si mici schimbari in garderoba si de ce nu si la mine :). Port haine mult mai colorate, desi imi plac mult pastelurile, dar garderoba mea e diversificata, numai chef sa am sa le combin pe toate…rochii inflorate, camasi cu printuri, tricouri colorate si incerc sa reduc purtarea pantalonilor, inlocuindu-le cu rochite si fuste. O zi frumoasa!

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