Lectura de sambata dimineata

„In our part of the country, spring passes quickly.

Lectura de sambata dimineata

If you haven’t been out for five days, you find the trees in bud. If you don’t see the trees for another five days, you discover that they’ve put out leaves. In another five days, they’re so green you wouldn’t recognize them. It makes you wonder: Can these be the same trees I saw a few days before? And you answer yourself: Of course they are. That’s how fast spring goes by. You can almost see it. From far away it comes racing toward you. And when it reaches you it whispers in your ear, ‘I’m here,’ and then runs swiftly on.

Spring – what a rush it’s in. Every place seems to be urging it to come. If it delays its arrival a bit, the sunlight fades and the earth turns to stone. Trees especially can’t endure any delay. Let spring dally even briefly on the way, and many lives are lost.”

― Xiao Hong, Selected Stories Of Xiao Hong

markLectura de sambata dimineatat

Cat de frumos si corect este descrisa primavara. Eu am descoperit ca o pot repera si masura in functie de buchetele de flori din casa. Martie a fost luna carafelor de lalele: albe, galbene, portocalii, violet, rosii, multicolore. In aprilie: albe narcise si, spre finalul lunii, brate de liliac. Iar mai este luna bujorilor, florile mele preferate.

Sigur, masor si altfel timpul: in calatorii, in carti, in muzici descoperite, in plimbari si in intalniri, in oamenni noi cunoscuti (apropo, aseara am intalnit o femeie plina de viata si personalitate, al carei proiect – Academia de Feminitate – s-ar putea sa va placa!) in proiecte bifate si in mici sau mari realizari personale. Care este masura voastra de timp, pentru primavara sau pentru viata? Care va sunt reperele, v-ati gandit vreodata?

Lectura de sambata dimineata

Pentru ca tot veni vorba de repere, primavara mea bucuresteana s-a mai imbogatit de vreo un an cu doua noi, vi le recomand din tot sufletul (pentru ca sunt si pentru suflet, si pentru minte). Saptamana aceasta se deruleaza ArtSafari si Romanian  Design Week; daca nu le-ati vizitat la editiile anterioare, faceti un efort si treceti-le in agenda. Merita sa vedeti pavilionul de arta contemporana din cladirea Ciclop, expozitia de la Galateca si cea sustinuta de World Press Photo, sa treceti pe la Eclectico si pe la targul Designist,  si sa incheiati cu Mesteshukar si o oprire la Simbio sau AdHoc Bistro.

Ah, sa nu uit: weekendul acesta mergeti si la V for Vintage! Unul dintre expozantii exraordinari este Madalina Batalu, cea care semneaza creatiile minunate si minimaliste UNDRESS. Pana ajungeti la Sala Palatului la targ, cu un click puteti castiga aici si o rochie-chemise creata de ea, perfecta pentru vara care tocmai incepe.

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Am deschis inscrierile la urmatorul Style Masterclass. Daca v-ati hotarat sa faceti ceva pentru voi, pentru stilul vostru si educatia voastra vestimentara, daca vreti invatati cum sa va hotarati usor la cabina de proba si cum sa nu va plictisiti de hainele pe care le aveti deja in garderoba, this is the one for you. Dupa o zi intreaga de curs, va veti simti mandre ca ati facut acest efort, iar in scurt timp veti observa diferentele, va promit! Aici va puteti inscrie.

Iar acum, va las sa va beti cafeaua si sa cititi, relaxate, recomandarile saptamanii…

Dries Van Noten: the interview – „Mr. Van Noten, when your father retired, he preferred to close his company rather than sell it. Can you imagine your eponymous fashion label going on without you? I hope that my company could live without me because I have the responsibility for people who work with us – those in the company in Antwerp and those who produce our clothes, who print our fabrics, who embroider.” In The Talks

How to find the perfect chiffon shirt – „There are two kinds of chiffon blouse: the dreamy, filmy kind that is so delicate you daren’t wear it and… Actually, maybe there’s only one kind.” In The Telegraph

Has Net-a-Porter found the holy grail of 21st-century fashion? – „Despite reports to the contrary, Net-a-Porter has not launched a new social network. Nor is it trying to recreate Instagram exclusively for fashion. What it has done, however, is announce a new and advanced way for its consumers to buy more clothes. How?” In The Guardian

The bigger picture – „Beyond the red carpet: why fashion houses are casting themselves into the film industry.” In Financial Times

All the world’s a backdrop for the pre-collections – „Fashion has decreed that spring starts in May this year. Spring 2016, that is, although fashion’s convoluted calendar actually dubs it „pre-Spring”. In the space of a week, an ever-changing fashion entourage has bounced from Korea to Palm Springs, and now to Cannes, to see clothes that make up the core of designers’ commercial ranges.” In The Independent.

Finding My Fun: A Thorough Examination of Crocs, the Most-Hated Shoe in America – „A couple of months ago, that’s what I was doing-walking around Herald Square, engrossed in whatever nonsense was on my phone. There must have been a louder than normal honk, or a looming shadow; whatever it was, it made me look up. In front of me there were commuters and shoppers and buses.” In Racked

Yellow handbags: the surprise hit of the summer – „For some reason yellow terrifies us. Unlike easy-going blues or greens, which suit almost everyone, or black, which almost everyone thinks suits them, yellow in virtually every intensity, be it pale lemon or deepest ochre, can be highly problematic.” In The Telegraph

How Can the Fashion Industry Become More Diverse? – „The success of Empire was on everyone’s minds at yesterday’s CFDA panel on diversity in the fashion industry. „If television can be diversified, so can we,” said Bethann Hardison, the model agent turned diversity warrior who served as the moderator and host.” In NY Mag

Frida Kahlo’s clothes – „NHer folkloric look — exotic floral headdresses, monobrow and vivid Tehuana dresses — became part of her sartorial and psychological armour, and has since been reappropriated by artists and fashion designers, from Madonna to Valentino and Rei Kawakubo.” In Financial Times

Crusing the world with Chanel – „Since his arrival at the house of Chanel in 1983, Karl Lagerfeld identified the value of a standalone Cruise collection. Since then, it travelled the world taking in iconic destinations including Café Marly, Paris, Grand Central Station, New York, Miami’s Raleigh Hotel, the Venice Lido, Hangar 8 in Santa Monica airport, the hotel Eden Roc on the Cap d’Antibes, Chez Sénéquier in St Tropez, the gardens of Versailles and this season, DDP in Seoul.” In Another Mag

Carats at Cannes – „What would a red carpet be without jewels? And where better to observe them than under the soft spring sun at the Cannes Film Festival, the two-week movie industry marathon that began Wednesday. It was in 1946 when the small, sleepy city of Cannes awoke to the dazzle and razzmatazz of the stars and their jewels along La Croisette, the waterfront promenade.” In NY Times

Donatella Versace on Britpop, Instagram and why elitist fashion is over – „My meeting with Donatella Versace begins with a misunderstanding worthy of a sitcom. I’ve been told by Anthony Vaccarello, creative director of Versus, Versace’s diffusion label, that the new collection launching in Shoreditch tonight is inspired by Brett Anderson and 1990s Britpop.” In The Guardian

Fotografii: pinterest.com

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Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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