Lectura de sambata dimineata, cu Peroni si inca ceva

In dimineata asta, impusc trei iepuri deodata.

In locul obisnuitei introduceri, cu un citat despre moda, va voi spune ca proiectul Peroni Collaborazioni a ajuns la final. In seara asta, la Fratelli Espresso Bar, are loc The Big Reveal – petrecerea la care vom vedea ce a creat fiecare dintre cele trei echipe de designer-blogger, pe tema data: petrecerea after-ski in stil italienesc.

Lasand la o parte emotiile mele, sunt foarte curioasa sa vad cum au interpretat Kinga Varga (impreuna cu Ana Maria Morodan de la High Street Cardigans) si Dan Mihai Zarug (impreuna cu Claudiu Enescu de la Mauvert) eleganta italieneasca, in contextul sporturilor de iarna.

Kinga este cunoscuta pentru delicatetea si feminitatea tricotajelor ei – de altfel ea este prima creatoare din Romania care s-a axat exclusiv pe tricotaje, un fel de Missoni daca vreti 🙂 -, in timp ce Mihai Zarug si-a facut un nume in moda masculina prin constructiile deosebite ale hainelor lui (iar de curand a aparut pe lista Forbes a celor 100 tineri cool ai Romaniei, in ultimul numar). Cele trei echipe sunt foarte diferite – ca stiluri personale, abordare a designului, preferinte pentru exprimarea creativa -, incat pentru mine va fi interesant sa ghicesc drumul gandurilor, procesul de creatie al fiecaruia.

Desi nu imi sta in obicei, in zilele urmatoare voi posta cateva fotografii de la evenimentul de diseara (le veti vedea pe toate pe paginile Facebook si Tumblr ale Peroni), dar pana atunci, credeti-ma, in momentul asta ma intreb „cu ce sa ma imbrac diseara”!

„Iepurele” nr. 2 este un reminder. Astazi este ultima zi in care puteti participa la concursul pe care il derulez cu Books Express, aici aveti toate regulile, iar maine desemnez castigatoarea. E o carte fascinanta, merita efortul a doua-trei clickuri!

In sfarsit, „iepurele” nr 3 este o invitatie foarte, foarte personala. Because I practice what I preach, din cand in cand recurg la o triere a propriei garderobe. Scopul este ca, in timp, sa raman doar cu hainele pe care le iubesc cu adevarat si care sa ma reprezinte. Cum la ultima astfel de triere am ramas cu enorm de multe haine si accesorii, va invit pe 15 decembrie sa cotrobaiti prin ele, sa le probati si sa cumparati ceea ce va place. La „Shop my  Wardrobe” o veti intalni si pe Ana Morodan de la High Street Cardigans, zvapaiata mea partenera in acest proiect (o sa cotrobaiti si in hainele ei, of course!), vom avea goodie bags si sesiuni de machiaj de la Avon, si ne intalnim in spatiul luminos si minimalist al Scolii DallesGo (unde tin de saptamana asta un mega-curs de Stilism si tendinte). Asadar, treceti-va in agende: sambata 15 decembrie, intre orele 11.00-19.00, Shop My Wardrobe cu Irina si Ana, in str. Ion Otetelesanu nr.2.

Bun, si acum sa purcedem la lectura, cu ceaiul sau cafeaua aburinde langa noi, avem multe de citit…

Mencyclopedia: Louis Vuitton – “The overlapped LV of Louis Vuitton’s monogram logo is the emblem of a recession-busting phenomenon: the ‘luxury industry’. Status-hungry consumers around the world can’t get enough of Louis Vuitton.” In The Telegraph.

The branding of Dita – “Certainly she has bewitched the fashion world, gathering admirers like Christian Louboutin, Marc Jacobs and Jean Paul Gaultier, on whose runway she once performed an exotically elegant strip tease. She has appeared in a MAC cosmetics Viva Glam campaign. Her act, provocative in an airbrushed sort of way, has emboldened Cointreau, the upscale spirits brand, to name her its global ambassador.” In NY Times.

Luxury industry takes its time to embrace Africa – “Africa has more millionaires than Russia, but for many wealthy Africans shopping for designer handbags or luxury watches still means travelling to New York or Europe. Even as luxury goods companies have ventured into unconventional markets such as Mongolia, A frica has been seen as a source of inspiration for their designs rather than of big-spending customers.” Pe Reuters.

Why Peter Dundas is Pucci’s prince of prints – “The last thing you expect Peter Dundas to be is the fashion guy. From his sheer physical presence, he’s a car man maybe, a surfer or a quarterback – the sort of guy who rides a motorbike that roars like a chainsaw. What he is, is in fact “the prince of prints” – the creative director of Pucci, the Italian luxury label.” In The National.

Bernard Arnault: is the wolf in cashemere set to quit drink? – “It is a sprawling luxury goods empire that straddles some of the world’s best-known designer brands, including Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton and Bulgari jewellery. But could Bernard Arnault, France’s richest man, known because of his smart deal-making as “the wolf in cashmere”, be about to radically restructure LVMH? An LVMH spokesperson said  ”these are both themes that crop up every few years. They are without foundation.”” In The Independent.

The last emperor: inside the world of Valentino – “To his fashion disciples, he’s the Last Emperor. Others know him as the maestro of Italian couture. But there is far more to the celebrated designer Valentino than the masterful creations…” In The Independent.

Androgynous models who ignore the gender rules – “Cheekbones, check. Pout, check. Whippet-thin body, check. At first glance the latest crop of models don’t seem like they stray from the fashion business’s usual beauty rules, but look closer and it’s clear something has shifted on the catwalks.” In The Guardian.

Insiders: Kate Phelan – “The day Kate Phelan handed in her resignation at British Vogue to join Topshop was met with a crisis of confidence for the usually unflappable stylist.” In AnOther Magazine.

In a click, a vivid fashion garden – “The effects of this digital age seem to reverberate beyond computers and smartphones… In the fashion world, it may take a sophisticated designer to work those patterns of burning bright blooms into something stylish and wearable, yet the actual process is just another computer click. The floral effects are rarely just sketched, more probably manipulated. The British designer Mary Katrantzou is an example of a designer whose computer skills have created a new genre of fashion prints.” In International Herald Tribune.

From fashion to fashioning: bloggers taking a turn as designers – “It was not that long ago when fashion bloggers were considered super-fan party crashers at Fashion Week shows. Soon enough, though, they were recognized as influencers, with some gaining notoriety and front-row seats to the runway presentations. More and more, they are being called on to collaborate with a label or retailer on a fashion collection.” In WWD.

Going global is no longer a luxury – “A decade ago this drive to internationalise was more of a luxury than a strategic imperative. Now, with the state of the domestic economy, little or no growth is expected by many businesses for the next five years. Many executives feel the need to diversify in foreign parts is a matter of survival.” In Financial Times.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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2 comentarii la acest post

  1. 1
    Alice says:

    Felicitări pentru blogul din Adevărul. Faci multe lucruri cu care nu te lauzi.

    • 1.1
      Irina says:

      🙂 Alice, multumesc mult pentru apreciere! Eu cred mult in vorba aceea spusa de Margaret Thatcher: „If you have to say you’re a lady, you aren’t.” 🙂 Asa si eu, cam las lucrurile sa vorbeasca despre mine, in loc sa vorbesc eu despre ele 🙂

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