Lectura din dimineata de weekend
Dupa o saptamana incredibil de aglomerata, cu milioane de „file”deschise in browser, sute de emailuri ramase fara raspuns, zece proiecte demarate si brusca observare a faptului ca am trecut de jumatatea verii, senzatiile iau locul cuvintelor. Iar dis-de-dimineata, cand este inca racoare si casa e tacuta, ma gandesc la vara si perne turcoaz, la miros de portocal, iarba verde si cafea, la gust de sare…
Pentru ca “summer, after all, is a time when wonderful things can happen to quiet people. For those few months, you’re not required to be who everyone thinks you are, and that cut-grass smell in the air and the chance to dive into the deep end of a pool give you a courage you don’t have the rest of the year. You can be grateful and easy, with no eyes on you, and no past. Summer just opens the door and lets you out.”
Va las sa cititi si sa aveti o duminica lenesa, somnoroasa, usoara…
Style shows come into fashion at museums – “Women’s underwear is on display at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris. Christian Louboutin high heels are in the spotlight at Toronto’s Design Exchange museum. London’s Victoria & Albert Museum is showcasing looks from the city’s ’80s club scene. No fashion is off limits in today’s museum world.” In Wall Street Journal.
My Mademoiselle summer – „Like Sylvia Plath and Joan Didion before her, Meg Wolitzer spent the summer as a guest editor at Mademoiselle. A look back at a time both heady with promise and tinged with the sadness of an era about to end.” In NY Times.
The Investment Dresser: summer cardigans – „Your cardigan shopping needs to be boringly forensic. There’s no point taking short cuts because a jacket, although a wondrous invention, isn’t necessarily the answer to everything.” In The Telegraph.
Layer up – „The phrase “skirts-over-trousers” has the majority of us recoiling at memories of Nineties fashion criminality, thanks to a then widespread contagion of wide-leg trousers with a mini skirt stitched to the front. But on closer inspection this new season version is of a far different guise, less over-excited children’s television presenter, more sophisticated red carpet rebel.”” In The Independent.
Condé Nast touts biggest September in 5 years – “Fashion bible Vogue is taking the top spot in the closely watched September ad page contest, which is widely seen as a yardstick of the health of the industry.” In AdWeek.
Mencyclopedia: Slowear – “One of the few exceptions is Slowear, the umbrella name of four Italian clothing manufacturers that are all supremely skilled at making unconventionally excellent conventional men’s clothes. “ In The Telegraph.
Sarah Curran: why I left my-wardrobe – “When Sarah Curran announced that she was leaving My-wardrobe.com, it was met with surprise by many, and a knowing sense of inevitability from others.” In Vogue UK.
Fashion designers driving innovation in make-up– “The competition to stamp the imprint of couture on mass-market cosmetics has gotten as thick as Pan-Cake. ‘Everyone wants a piece of the pie,’ said Karen Grant, a global industry analyst for the NPD Group, a market research company.” In NY Times.
Tech revolution to inch on what we wear – “The revolution will be wearable. Only, like most technology revolutions, it will not come as fast or in quite the form that the visionaries predict. That is the safe bet for what is quickly becoming Silicon Valley’s most hyped new claim: that ‘smart’ devices like watches and glasses represent that next front in personal computing.” In Financial Times.
Betty Halbreich: celebrity shopper to the stars – „As New York’s preeminent personal shopper, a ‘fashion therapist’ who has been helping women wrestle their sartorial demons since 1978, Halbreich must find most sightings of the general public troubling.” In The Telegraph.
Fotografii: pinterest.com
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