Lectura din dimineata de weekend

Suntem la mijloc de sezon. Personal, il simt drept o perioada plina de entuziasmul innoirii, de bucuria redescoperirii de sine si a garderobei proprii, de surpriza posibilitatii unui nou inceput, a unui nou capitol de viata. Sper din tot sufletul ca si pentru voi este asa!

Lectura din dimineata de weekend

Am simtit ca ultimele saptamani au fost mai pline, mai efervescente, mai glorioase decat cele de la inceputul anului. Am bifat multe proiecte, am luat cateva hotarari importante si pentru termen lung, am facut cateva calatorii care mi-au umplut sufletul (sper ca imi voi gasi in curand cuvintele pentru a va descrie experienta traita la retrospectiva dedicata lui Alexander MCQueen de la Londra), am construit niste colaborari si niste prietenii durabile, mi-am facut liste si le-am dus la bun sfarsit, m-am lasat inspirata de idei proaspete, am invatat enorm de multe lucruri noi, mi-am redescoperit curajul si mi-am iesit din zona de confort si, nu in ultimul rand, mi-am indeplinit o mare dorinta in plan personal.

Vara care urmeaza va fi un sezon fabulos, neaparat sa credeti asta! Cum a fost primavara voastra? Ce v-ati propus si ce ati realizat in ultimele 2-3 luni? V-ati umplut casa de lalele si narcise in martie, de liliac in aprilie – iar acum va umpleti bratele de bujori albi si roz? Ce ati cititi, unde ati calatorit, care e amintirea cea mai frumoasa a acestei primaveri?

Lectura din dimineata de weekend

Luna care se deschide in fata noastra e o minunata promisiune si poate deveni una din „lectiile” acestui an.

Poate ca, o data cu nostalgia stilistica a anilor ’70, primavara ne ofera visuri de dragoste si lectii „in matters of the heart”. Poate ca ne invita sa fim muze pentru noi insene, sa ne redescoperim feminitatea purtand alb, muselina, croset, dantela, flori in par si imprimeuri florale pe rochii si pantaloni. Poate ca luna mai e acea invitatie de a privi in trecutul propriu, spre a ne aduce aminte cum aratam la 20 de ani si a ne imagina cum vom arata la 50. Poate ca aceste ganduri le vor impulsiona pe cateva dintre voi sa isi ia inima in dinti si sa se inscrie la ultimul Style Masterclass al primaverii, din 30 mai! Cum ar fi sa traiti vara mai putin stresate de chinurile vestimentare obisnuite, iar urmatorii ani stiind exact ce si cum ar trebui sa imbracati?

Lectura din dimineata de weekend

Daca nu voi, ci el – partenerul, sotul, iubitul – este cel care simte nevoia unei blande indrumari si impulsionari stilistice, va invit sambata urmatoare la Styling Your Man. Veti pleca de la workshop inarmate cu ABC-ul vestimentatiei masculine, veti sti ce jeansi si tinute smart casual sa ii recomandati, cum sa alegeti corect sacoul, camasa si pantalonii cand faceti shopping impreuna, ce piese si culori sa combine pentru a parea mai inalt si mai suplu (fara sa il trumatizati cu o dieta spartana!) si multe alte tips&tricks legate de garderoba masculina. Mai sunt cateva locuri disponibile, acum e momentul sa va inscrieti!

Inainte sa va las cu selectia de articole ale acestei saptamani, va mai retin cu patru lucruri importante.

Unu: nu uitati ca astazi este ultima zi in care puteti participa la concursul derulat cu Books Express. Puteti castiga una dintre cele 5 carti cu si despre moda prezentate. Preferatele mele sunt albumul Vogue and the Met Museum, urmata de The Battle of Versailles. Imaginati-va rasfoind una dintre ele, intinse pe una chaise-longue, la soare…

Doi: va lansez o invitatie pentru weekendul urmator. La Sala Palatului are loc V for Vintage, unul din putinele evenimente din industria modei noastre cu standarde de excelenta, care isi propune sa promoveze tineri designeri romani, branduri nationale prestigioase, colectionari de vintage, cu sustinerea catorva prieteni locali (Band of Creators, Molecule F si Moja). Nu ma veti gasi printre expozanti, dar am facut parte din juriu si, prin urmare, selectia a fost serioasa. V for Vintage va avea loc in 16 si 17 mai, la Sala Palatului.

Trei: tot saptamana urmatoare incepe editia a treia a Romanian Design Week, se deruleaza intre 15-24 mai. Faceti-va timp sa vizitati expozitia centrala de la hanul Gabroveni si bifati cateva din evenimentele-satelit care se vor desfasura timp de 10 zile in Bucuresti. E un eveniment unic, este ocazia sa va bransati la tot ce este mai nou, mai trendy, mai surprinzator in industriile creative. Spre exemplu, la Galateca aveti Untamed Skin (o expozitie despre bluza romanesca); la J’Ai Bistro aveti un Designers Garage Sale (in 17 mai), la Maison 13 aveti un Designers’ Drive-in; iar la Atelier 030202 aveti Art&Fashion for Education.

Patru (si cel mai important!): in coltul din dreapta sus al paginii veti descoperi o casuta prin care va puteti abona la noul meu newsletter. Saptamanal, va voi livra direct in inbox lectii si secrete de stil, recomandari de shopping, idei si sfaturi pentru garderoba si tinutele tale, va voi tine la curent cu workshopurile mele si cu articolele de pe blog (daca nu apucati sa le cititi). Va puteti abona si aici. Va intereseaza o tema anume? Scrieti-mi sugestia voastra in zona de comentarii si promit ca o voi trece pe lista mea de subiecte.

In sfarsit, va las sa cititi in pace…

High-End Culture Comes to Shopping Malls – „Kathy Row took a look at the discreetly lettered sign pointing her to „The Fashion Project.” Her curiosity piqued, she trotted up the three flights of stairs to the top of the mall in Bal Harbour, Fla. „I was expecting an amazing new boutique,” said Ms. Row, a commercial real estate consultant visiting from Dallas late last month.” In NY Times

China’s influence on fashion: top of the game, creatively and commercially – „It’s the culmination of China’s decade-long ascent to the very top of the fashion game. Despite Chinese president Xi Jinping’s policies to combat corruption and discourage extravagance – which has resulted in the Chinese market wavering over the past 18 months – it is still the main focus of Western luxury brand expansion.” In The Independent

Why Fashion TV Has Flopped – „TV networks’ desire for shows about high-fashion would wax and wane for the next 25 years, leading to both long-running staples and one-off copycats. But with a slew of both failed and canceled series in recent years, can fashion television be declared officially dead?” In Racked

The Pseudoscience of Beauty Products – „Why the dubious claims of so many skin-care companies go unquestioned and untested. Last year, as part vanity project, part science experiment, I decided to adopt a new skin-care routine, something that an aging celebrity might use on a daily basis. My goal was to determine whether, in fact, a high-tech routine can make a difference.” In The Atlantic

Raf Simons: Dior on overdrive – „The reason I came to Dior was because it was the biggest possible challenge,” says Raf Simons. A voice for those disillusioned by the mainstream, his move to Christian Dior in 2012 was much more than just another round of fashion musical chairs – it was the moment a true punk spirit smashed through the exclusive world of haute couture.” In Dazed Digital

Ukrainian fashion is having a moment – „Bohemian is fashion’s go-to spring trend and this season, it’s awash with the floral and ethereal. But this season, designers have been mining influence from a more niche aspect: Ukrainian national dress.” In The Guardian

How social media can help shoppers find their style – „”What we have is in essence the world’s first social marketplace,” says Mr Janes. „We have the ability to associate an individual with a recommendation and to track that recommendation across any platform, whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or something else, on any device.” In The Telegraph

Coperni and the revolution in Paris fashion – „Arnaud Vaillant and Sébastien Meyer are the embodiment of Rive Gauche chic: impossibly charming yet understated, impeccably dressed in cashmere sweaters and woolen blazers yet always discreet.” In Dazed Digital

Anna Wintour on the Future of Print, Hillary, and How She Feels About Her Reputation – „The Anna Wintour Costume Center at the Metropolitan Museum of Art occupies a warren of rooms below the well-traveled mummies and sarcophagi on the north side of the building. It features an extensive library and a series of conservation spaces as spotless as a hospital, where dresses and shawls and shoes are cared for with the attention and precision of an ICU.” In NY Mag

With Delta, Zac Posen Becomes New York’s Busiest Designer – „Forget double-dipping, that fashion practice of running your own line while also designing for another, as exemplified by Alexander Wang ( his own line and Balenciaga), Jeremy Scott (his own and Moschino), Jonathan Anderson (his own and Loewe) and so on. Zac Posen, the 34-year-old New York designer, is quintuple-dipping.” In NY Times

Fashion Startups Bypass Department Stores to Reach Consumers – „Are traditional department stores becoming irrelevant? Some startup founders are saying it is getting ever easier for fashion brands to reach consumers directly, through business models like subscription, as well as mobile apps where consumers discover trends and items. Consumers are getting accustomed to new ways of shopping, such as subscribing to getting items monthly, said Jennifer Hyman co-founder and chief executive of Rent the Runway.” In Wall Street Journal

The British Businesswoman who Launched A Million-Dollar Fashion Brand From Her Kitchen Table – „In 2011, a British newspaper wanted to write a story about Julie Deane, a Cambridge-based businesswoman who had created an iconic bag that was all the rage among celebrities and models at New York Fashion Week. The problem was, Deane was running The Cambridge Satchel Company from her kitchen table.” In Fast Company

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Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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