Lectura de sambata dimineata
Inca un weekend de vara vine si trece, de data asta la mare. Nisip fierbinte, leganat in hamace la umbra, cosuri de nuiele si palarii de soare, asternuturi albe, iarasi penumbra si totul, totul, intr-un ritm mult mai lent… Daca aveti un iPad, puteti citi linkurile saptamanii cand stati la plaja 🙂
The September Issue – “Tumbling yesterday out of the dark clouds of recession, unemployment and austerity came that gleaming almanac of glamour and self-indulgence, the September Issue of Vogue.” In The Telegraph
Is Italian too italian? – “The bolts of wool and cashmere produced at [Carlo Barbera] mill, can indeed be described as high performance, among the finest in the world… The financial performance of the mill that creates this fabric, on the other hand, is far from stellar.” Pe NY Times
The anti IT bag – “From 2005 to 2007, Stuart Vevers was known for creating showy studded and tasseled “it” handbags… [Now] Mr.Vevers is trying to dust off Loewe, a Spanish leather-goods brand owned by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton. To do that, he’s been leaning toward simplicity over bling, functionality over flash.” In Wall Street Journal
Champagne corks popping up again in luxury business – “Champagne corks are popping again in the luxury business as “It” bags and expensive watches this year sell like hotcakes from Beijing to New York, signalling the turning of a page after the global financial crisis.” Pe AFP.
Strangers as Style Icons – BeautifulStranger, The Sartorialist and other photo websites are turning fashion’s focus from models to regular people, tot pe WSJ
Why do we care about luxury brands – “There’s now suggestive evidence that our faith in the authentic – especially when the authenticity is supported by effective marketing campaigns – is a deep seated human instinct, which emerges at an extremely early age.” In Wired.
A dream that led from dolls to the First Lady – “The rise to prominence of a young fashion design graduate from West Africa via East London shows that, with talent, a stroke of luck and a contact as highly placed as Nelson Mandela or Michelle Obama, anything is possible.” In The Independent
Playful and sleek, with subversive twists – “The man behind the fashion label wears his philosophy about life, and clothing, tattooed upon his arms… Despite his fixation with both literal and metaphorical black, [he] is by far the most colorful character on the Spanish fashion scene.” In NY Times.
Designers know the money is in „fat-friendly” clothes – August is finally here, and in fashion-land that means it’s officially autumn. Put down that ice cream and pick up Vogue. I love the Fall collections, all those layers to hide under. Thank goodness for the new season – it was getting tricky disguising magic knickers under the lightweight camisole-inspired dresses of summer. In Daily Mail.
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