Lectura de sambata dimineata

Bic Runga Feat Dan Wilson – Good Morning Baby

Ce aveti chef sa faceti azi? Mie mi-ar placea, pentru inceput, sa fac o plimbare printr-o piata in aer liber, sa cumpar fructe, rosii coapte, ardei, branza si masline, pe care sa le pun intr-un cos impletit, sa ma sui in masina si sa trag o fuga pana la Mogosoaia, pentru un picnic. O patura cadrilata pe iarba, muzica in surdina de pe iPod, un pahar de vin alb rece si inca unul de limonada cu menta, fosnet de pagini de ziar sau revista, chicoteli si hohote de ras, degete spre cer care deseneaza ursuleti, delfini si trifoi…




Iar daca m-as plictisi cat timp celalalt isi citeste paginile preferate de revista, as fi curioasa sa vad care sunt recomandarile zilei:

The new upper middle – „Now that legs and bust have become hackneyed symbols of sex in evening dress, the midriff is fashion’s new erogenous zone – but display it discreetly.” In Financial Times.

Are consumers ready to spend $39,000 on a backpack? – “The fashion world is abuzz over… ‘The luxury consumer is no longer afraid or embarrassed to shop. He or she has been reluctant over the past few years, but it seems like they’re back and willing to spend. True luxury brands are really embracing their customer base and are seeing an uptick in sales and traffic.’” In Thread NY.

Point, click, shoot: a new site for editors by editors – „Meggan Crum and Mandy Tang, both former accessories editors, are launching TheRunthrough.com, which, unlike the rest of the largely e-commerce-driven pack, is a B2B venture aimed at servicing the very positions they left.” In WWD.

Could a new pull site for editors finally get fashion people to embrace technology? – “… There are so few business-to-business sites for fashion, an industry that could definitely benefit from some organizational technology, but for some reason can be weirdly resistant to it. If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that the internet has lead to major changes in the fashion industry and The Runthrough is one more example of this.” In Fashionista.

Royal chic: the Duchess and her prints – “… The myriad patterns that have made their mark on summer clothes indicate that, for designers at least, everything can appear in print… The result can be polite and familiar, as in the embrace of print by Kate Middleton… The “Catherine factor” gave basic summer dresses, always focused on that narrow waist, a fresh feeling.”  In International Herald Tribune.

How boutiques pamper top customers – „Independent stores compete by offering home visits, closet cleaning and personal shopping from the Paris runways.” In Wall Street Journal.

Clothes that are proud to be British – “With heritage brands such as Burberry leading the global fashion scene, Mulberry sales rising 526 per cent over the past year, and Pringle being one of the hottest tickets at London Fashion Week, British-based labels have become “cool” again… What attracts foreign buyers is the emphasis on endurance, not only in the clothing, but its back stories as well.” In The Telegraph.

Crystals: all that glitters – “There’s one name behind all the glitz: Swarovski. Founded more than a century ago, the brand is still family-run and the breadth of its reach and influence continues to grow…The driving force behind all of this is Nadja Swarovski, 41, who has transformed the brand’s reputation and reach through collaborations and commissions.” In The Independent.

Colourful characters – „Men are graduating from the occasional vivid accessory to all-out ‘colour-blocking’ in pink polos and green trousers. Traditionally men have embraced colour in only the most discreet, veiled manner: against the background of a navy blue or dark grey suit, a flash of colour might appear in the form of a tie, a pair of socks or the lining of a jacket.” In Financial Times.

What your beard says about you –  „The beard — a traditional signifier of age and wisdom in most cultures — had become a symbol of youthful rebellion (and a different sort of conformity), […] the beard was de rigueur for young creative professionals — the sort who read Vice, wore shuttle-loom denim jeans and drew their style cues from blogs like Backyard Bill.” In NY Times.

That’s rich: the wealthy spend more on luxury – ” China’s wealthiest people have been under a bit of pressure from inflation, with costs of luxury and services up 7.73 % year-on-year as of June, the Hurun Luxury Consumer Price Index showed.” In China Daily.

Several sizes too small – “Hollywood tweens are, after all, but the latest style-world idols. Members of the Play-Doh and Nickelodeon set are sprouting up fast alongside them, dotting a landscape in which, it would seem, one can never be too groovy — or too young… Pint-size fashion pundits are hailed as muses and cast in major ad campaigns.” In On the Runway.

The new dirt on dry cleaners – „To most consumers, what takes place behind the counter, where imposing machines rumble and steam hisses, is a mystery. What exactly goes on back there? Other common questions: Why do women’s shirts often cost more to clean than men’s, and why do only some stains come out?” In Wall Street Journal.

All change – “While other shops gradually push the spring/summer sale stock into a corner as they introduce autumn/winter collections, every six months for the past seven years Dover Street has shut while new spaces are introduced, existing ones revamped or moved, and new ranges displayed…. What’s more important is creation and strength and newness.” In Financial Times.

Someone just like me said „Buy it!” – „Makeup Alley, a web site that sells nothing but offers advice on what to buy from frequent reviewers, also has a library of well-cataloged, super-specific criticism that allows women to do their prepurchase research among peers they trust, despite or perhaps because of their pseudonymity. ” In NY Times.

Aeropostale: cheap clothes, cheaper stock – “Aeropostale thrived during the Great Recession, posting record-high margins as cash-strapped customers loaded up on its cheap-but-stylish tops and pants. However, discounts from teen retail competitors, rising commodity costs, and a few fashion missteps have weighed on the company’s profits lately. After two consecutive disappointing quarters, Wall Street has soured on this former highflier…” In Daily Finance.

The customer is always right – „A handful of small women’s boutiques around the country revive the lost art of true personal shopping.” In Wall Street Journal.

Irina Markovits

Sunt creator de imagine, consultant de stil, jurnalist de moda si personal shopper. In ADN-ul meu se amesteca rafturile de carti cu umerasele de haine: asta e motivul pentru care biroul imi e plin de carti, reviste, haine colorate si pantofi splendizi. Prin Style Diary si munca de stilist personal transmit femeilor doua principii in care cred: stilul - la fel ca mersul pe bicicleta sau pe tocuri - este o aptitudine care se invata, prin exercitiu, cu perseverenta si urmand cateva reguli logice si de bun-simt, iar a te sti frumoasa si cu stil nu au nimic de-a face cu tendintele, cifrele de pe cantar sau din buletin, cantitatea hainelor din dulap sau pretul. Mai cred in puterea de transformare a hainelor si, mai presus de orice, ca o femeie frumoasa este neaparat educata, inteligenta si cu un interior bogat.

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