Lectura de sambata dimineata
„Pe urma a dat sa isi stranga parul. Despletit, ii mangaia fata si ii cadea in ochi. Si l-a ridicat in varful capului si si l-a sustinut cu cativa piepteni pe care i-a gasit pe perna, fara sa se mai pieptene… […]
Razele diminetii intrau pe fereastra deschisa jucandu-se in mii de feluri pe peretele de vizavi, fluturi care se urmareau, ape care se rostogoleau in cascade, cercuri care se deformau, toate aurii. Razele cadeau si pe oglinda care stralucea aproape sa se sparga, pe camasa de noapte, pe cearceafurile carora le furau mirosul somnului.
Nu putea sa sufere lumina cruda care dadeau lucrurilor acest aspect uniform si o goliciune sclipitoare. Aplecata iara, intorcandu-si capul in dreapta si in stanga, dadu sa apropie obloanele ca sa nu mai treaca soarele prin ele. […] Camera capata de indata aspectul ei obisnuit. Unele unghere primeau lumina, altele ramaneau in umbra, o racoare veni si se aseza peste figurile din fotografii, fiecare carte isi dobandi culoarea si forma ei, lucruri indragite pe care Lora nu le-ar fi dat pentru nimic in lume, pentru ca nu avea puterea sa le schimbe asa cum nu avea puterea sa isi schimbe culoarea ochilor sau forma picioarelor. ”
Zilele urmatoare va voi povesti ceva despre un proiect legat de carti, ceva frumos, valoros si cu suflet. Pana atunci – si pana sa trec la recomandarile de lectura ale acestei saptamani – va mai povestesc ceva, scurt.
Daca mi-ati urmarit activitatea si pagina de Facebook, stiti deja ca la discutia despre accesorii si bijuterii de acum doua saptamani am folosit niste minunatii din colectia Lulu Bijoux, aduse de la Paris. O mica selectie, facuta de mine, veti gasi incepand de maine pe StyleDiary, intr-o sectiune speciala – cateva piese pe care le recomand pentru ca le-as purta si eu si care vor fi schimbate saptamanal. Sper sa va placa, aveti mai jos un preview iar dupa ele linkurile saptamanii.
Vivienne Westwood by Tim Blanks – “Vivienne Westwood has a request. Before we start our conversation, she wants to get on her soapbox about climate change, the issue that consumes as many of her waking thoughts as the fashion career that has brought her notoriety, adulation, and the title of Dame of the British Empire.” In Interview
Is the luxury bubble about to burst? – “Evidence is mounting that the Asia-driven luxury engine could be starting to splutter. Recent earnings results from Burberry and LVMH suggest that emerging markets are feeling the impact of a global slowdown. Dow Jones’s Peter Evans discusses.” In Wall Street Journal.
Russian design takes Europe’s catwalk by storm – “It’s the style that came in from the cold. After years of slumbering in the couture stakes, Russia is marching on the catwalks of the world with a vanguard of young designers, stylists, journalists, bloggers and models. The nation whose previous contribution to the life à la mode was the Red Army greatcoat is finally creating a buzz in fashion circles.” In The Independent.
The stylish side of China – “Ms. Hao’s enthusiasm for fashion magazines thick with advertisements for Louis Vuitton handbags and Chanel lipsticks are a welcome source of revenue for magazine publishers based in New York. While fashion labels are spending more on magazine advertising in the United States, they’re pouring even more money into magazines across mainland China.” In NY Times.
Sao Paolo Fashion week: one of the biggest in the world – “For many years, quality fashion in Brazil came from the European market. Brazilian magazines used to make their fashion editorials based on the international aesthetic. The designers of the time were required to follow trends dictated by the international textile industry. However, there was a need to explore the fashionable Brazilian cultural universe of its own.” In Exec.
Lunch with Stella McCartney – “Even for someone as competitively normal as Stella McCartney, who somehow manages to take the position that – despite her status as a 40-year-old international fashion brand/Olympic outfitter/daughter of a Beatle/friend of Madonna, Gwyneth, Cameron et al/mother of four – she is Just Like Everyone Else, this seems to be going to extremes.” In Financial Times.
France’s richest families control major luxury companies – “French business magazine Challeges has released its annual ranking of France’s wealthiest. Three major exceptions are resisting the downward trend: the families behind Hermès International and Longchamp.” In CPP Luxury
MTV revives House of Style – “Move over, Project Runway and Fashion Star. There’s a new — make that old — style show hitting to the catwalk this fall to reclaim the fascination of a new generation of fashionistas.” In Hollywood Reporter.
Debating Fashion Weeks’ role in the digital age – “‘When I started New York fashion week in 1993, digital cameras did not exist and photographers used actual film,’ Fern Mallis told a crowd of students, bloggers, and aspiring designers last night at the first in a series of conversations presented by Fashion GPS. ‘Today is a different world, everyone is a critic and the only photographer that uses film is Bill Cunningham.’” In Style.com
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