“Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.” — Bill Moyers Sunt femeie si sunt atehnica. In fine, ma pricep sa asamblez una-alta de la Ikea (dar doar cu instructiuni), pot sa schimb o siguranta si un cauciuc (dar are cine sa ma ajute, when I really need it), reusesc sa descarc, sincronizez, transfer tot felul de aplicatii… dar cam atat. Nu stiu sa ma descurc cu specificatiile tehnice, masinile mi le aleg pe criterii estetice nu de eficienta samd. Asadar, cu atat mai uimitoare propunerea si provocarea primite
Mie imi place sa inteleg lucrurile: moda, un tablou, o reactie, un plan, un om. Sa am nu doar momente de „uau, cat de frumoasa e rochia asta!”, dar mai ales de „aha! Stiu de unde s-a inspirat/ ce a reinterpretat/ ce a vrut sa transmita…” Asta e si motivul pentru care apreciez in egala masura un album cu fotografii de street style, ca cele ale lui Scott Schuman sau Ivan Rodic, dar si o carte de istoria modei. Am intalnit multi care mi-au spus ca moda nu este pentru
„The fashion magazine is the tried and tested means of communication that is integral to the chronology of fashion. From La Belle Assemblee, which displayed fashion plates to the gentry of the Regency period, to the 21st century EverManifesto, which only distributes its freeprint copies at fashion shows, the magazine has remained a touchstone between designers and public. The magazine must convey ideas of fashion to its readership but also, via its editors, stylists, models, photographers, has to contextualise these ideas within the zeitgeits of the time. For a Vogue
Iubesc perioada asta din an. Parca are mai multa substanta si traire decat primaverile, mai multa natura si umanitate decat iernile, mai multe nuante decat verile. Pentru mine este si o perioada in care devin, inevitabil, nostalgica, introspectiva si retrospectiva. Ma gandesc ca zilele de toamna sunt perioade in care constientizam cat ar trebui sa pretuim ceva ce stim ca va disparea curand: caldura soarelui, lumina de zi, weekendurile insorite, picnicurile si plimbarile, copacii inca infrunziti, galbenul si oranjul… Si asa amanam sa incaltam ciorapi grosi, amagindu-ne ca o botina
Ieri dimineata m-am trezit cum nu se poate mai prost. Imi fusese spart blogul. Dupa nervi, indignare, suparare, acceptarea situatiei, telefoane catre „my personal mighty mouse”aka Alex, imposibilitatea de a-mi bea cafeaua, la un moment mi-am dat seama: „bine, dar ce fac cu concursul? cum le anunt pe fetele care au participat? Il reiau?” Momentul-minune a fost cand, dupa repararea blogului, mi-am dat seama ca nu se pierduse absolut nimic! Asadar, ma tin de cuvant si anunt – cu surle si trambite, cu aplauze si confetti! – castigatoarea cartii „100
Exista rochii pe care le tii minte, pentru ca te-ai incrucisat cu ele – intr-un context sau altul – si iti sunt contemporane: rochia de mireasa a lui Kate Middleton, rochia Galaxy a lui Roland Mouret din toamna lui 2005, cea verde a Keirei Knightley in „Ispasire” sau cea Versace Couture, purtata de Sarah Jessica Parker in SATC. Pe altele le stii pentru ca sunt parte din istorie, sunt acele rochii iconice care au schimbat parcursul si estetica modei: prima rochie neagra creata de Coco Chanel in 1926, prima rochie
„What is it for a person to be cool? We use the word „cool” in a variety of ways: to indicate a low temperature, to signal general approval or to describe an emotional state or person’s temperament. Additionally, some people use the word „cool” a if it were synonymous with „fashionable”, and thus would claim that something s being cool is a matter of its being approved of by the relevant group. Yet it would be aesthetically naive to think that a person can count as cool merely in virtue
„One of the most perplexing aspects of fashion is its preoccupation with change, and hence with time. Its mutability is the point. Even those who take (or claim to take) no particular interest in clothes will, by accident or passivity, nonetheless go with the fashion flow. […] We can date old photographs by what people wore, how they styled their hair, the contours with which the women drew their mouths. If we were to propel ourselves back to the 1920s we would notice at once that there were only three
Am simtit-o alaltaieri dimineata, acea imperceptibila trecere dintre sezoane. Aerul era mai rece si cerul un altfel de albastru, soarele stralucea altfel, umbrele erau mai lungi… A venit toamna, chiar daca ceea ce purtam sunt tot rochii subtiri, flori in par, sandale, bronz auriu si ochelari de soare. Incetul cu incetul, ne invelim in tricotaje, adaugam esarfe, schimbam lipglossul cu un ruj, bem ceaiuri seara, purtam sosete si ne stergem nasul discret. Poate si citim mai mult…? „The world of clothes and the world of nakedness are so far
„The clothes you put on do not instantly make you the character you want to be. Clothes are a lifelong journey into aquiring an identity, an identity deliberately formulated, but also made by accident. You try on a tweed jacket and understand that is has connected with the part of yourself you scarcely knew about, which would like to go for a walk along a country road, with dogs. Or you put on a dress and discover in you the capacity to be quite lah-di-dah. And indeed, all cross-dressing is