„The clothes you put on do not instantly make you the character you want to be. Clothes are a lifelong journey into aquiring an identity, an identity deliberately formulated, but also made by accident. You try on a tweed jacket and understand that is has connected with the part of yourself you scarcely knew about, which would like to go for a walk along a country road, with dogs. Or you put on a dress and discover in you the capacity to be quite lah-di-dah. And indeed, all cross-dressing is
Cand cineva vorbeste despre Sex and the City (serialul sau filmul, whatever), intotdeauna aduce vorba despre moda, despre prietenia dintre cele 4, despre Manhattan, despre Patricia Field, despre una, despre alta. De curand, citind niste articole mai vechi, mi-am dat seama ca SATC a devenit indragit si datorita dialogurilor sau voice-over-urilor: spumoase, savuroase, sarcastice, pigmentate de discutii foarte politically incorrect, genul care – daca le tii minte – devin citate clasice. Am cautat online si am facut o selectie care, pe mine cel putin, ma face sa imi comand ACUM