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C&A Romania

„Spring immediately conjures up thoughts of new beginnings, fresh growth and revived ideas. In a romanticised conception of the season, the landscape begins to look like a Claude Monet painting and everything begins to be lighter and in a beautiful state of flux. During this period of transformation, there are some traditions to which I constantly return: Early morning breakfast dates: while winter is conducive to the pleasant indulgences of sleeping in and breakfast in bed, the shift brought about by spring demands different morning rituals, that include venturing outside.

De curand, mi-am dat seama care este scuza #1 a femeilor care, desi interesate de stilul si feminitatea lor, amana sa vina la cursurile mele sau sa se intalneasca cu mine pentru sesiuni de personal styling. Vor, inainte de orice, sa scape de niste kilograme. E refrenul pe care il aud permanent. „Cand voi slabi, imi voi cumpara o noua garderoba – pana atunci, am descurc cu ce am!” sau „N-are rost sa invat ce mi se potriveste, oricum parca nu ma incape nimic!” sau, si mai des, „Ce sens are