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Copenhagen Fashion Week

Pana nu uit – va puteti incercui in agende trei date: 22 februarie si 15 martie, doua intalniri Style Conversations (prima este dedicata regulilor stilistice pe care le putem incalca – acele Do’s & Don’ts, cea de-a doua este editia tendintelor pentru primavara-vara 2014), iar apoi 29-30 martie (noua editie a Fii propria ta stilista, cursul intensiv de stil si educatie vestimentara). Stay tuned, voi anunt in urmatoarele zile toate detaliile, dar ne puteti scrie deja la office(at)imagematters(punct)ro sau la inscrieri(at)imagematters(punct)ro. In alta ordine de idei… Ianuarie e de domeniul

“So fine was the morning except for a streak of wind here and there, that the sea and sky looked all one fabric, as if sails were stuck high up in the sky, or the clouds had dropped down into the sea.” ~~ Virgina Woolf, To the Lighthouse PS: revin dupa-amiaza cu rezultatul concursului Bioliv! Handbag-backed loans tide over Hong Kong’s wealthy – “When 30-year-old homemaker Maggie Wong is tight on cash, all she needs to do is reach for her designer purse—and then hand it over to a loan