Imi aduc perfect aminte doua momente diferite, ambele intamplate in urma cu 7-8 ani. Momentul #1: O seara intre femei, cateva dintre ele prietene apropiate, altele simple cunostinte. Discutia a curs astfel incat, la un moment dat, am ajuns sa vorbesc despre munca mea. Nu despre cum decurge o zi obisnuita sau la ce fel de evenimente glam sunt invitata, ci despre faptul ca a fi stilist inseamna a incuraja femeile sa isi depaseasca nesigurantele si vulnerabilitatile legate de propria infatisare, a dezvolta o relatie de prietenie cu propria garderoba,
„Happiness is more than the absence of pain; it is a radical shift from one state into another. It is a subtle transference of energy from darkness into light. It’s a smell like jasmine or burnt sugar on the crust of a pie. It’s the sound of a zipper on a new dress or the wet sandpaper tongue of a cat: anything that jolts introspection and forces you up and out. When you want to feel happy, try to change your context – move into a beam of sunlight, thrust