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„What is it for a person to be cool? We use the word „cool” in a variety of ways: to indicate a low temperature, to signal general approval or to describe an emotional state or person’s temperament. Additionally, some people use the word „cool” a if it were synonymous with „fashionable”, and thus would claim that something s being cool is a matter of its being approved of by the relevant group. Yet it would be aesthetically naive to think that a person can count as cool merely in virtue

Ca un imbold de energie adaugat colectiilor, purtat in siluete lejere si aerisite, oranjul – o delicata nuanta piersica, un chihlimbariu transparent, o nuanta incandescenta ca apusul de soare sau una picanta ca sofranul – a transformat podiumurile in livezi de portocali.   Greu acceptat in garderobe si totusi remarcabil de versatil, portocaliul este o declaratie de indrazneala. Il poti purta cu alte nuante calde – auriu, ca la Three as Four, ciocolatiu ca la Reyes sau chiar un albastru verzui cald ca la Verrier. Luella, Diane von Furstenberg, Isaac