„The winter of 1846-47 was bitter beyond belief, the coldest of the century. Siberian winds blew in across Europe. In Milan, two men froze to death and the Straits of Devon recorded the lowest temperature on the continent. Wrapped in furs to cover their meagre, government-approved, Austerity suits and dresses purchased with clothing ration coupons, British fashion editors sat on their gilt chairs and watched not just a total change in the silhouette, but a completely new idea of what to wear. At the end of the show, Carmel Snow,
Imagineaza-ti, te rog, o zi de rasfat total . Dimineata, dupa ce te-ai rasucit in asternuturi, ai facut ochi si ti-ai baut cafeaua, te asteapta un masaj divin, din cap pana-n picioare, la un spa de 5 stele. Terapia te relaxeaza atat de profund, incat timpul pare sa se opreasca in loc… Putin mai tarziu, cu pielea catifelata si corpul mai usor, pleci la cumparaturi. Fara graba, probezi rochii de cocktail si rochii de seara, intr-o cabina de proba rezervata doar tie, in timp ce eu iti soptesc la ureche