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Cu ceva timp in urma notam aici paragrafe descoperite in Kinfolk, o minunata revista americana, despre cum ne putem proteja weekendul. Astazi, la final de toamna, am descoperit cu emotie alte randuri, care rezoneaza in armonie cu anotimpul. „For this autumn […] we celebrate the holes in our socks, the burned toast of our breakfasts, our scorched attempts at marmalade-making and all the crappy, lopsided haircuts we’ve had over the years. We’re all guilty of occasionally attempting to make our lives seem a bit cleaner or a bit more organized,

Astazi, la final de weekend si de vara, cateva paragrafe in registru melancolic si nostalgic, din Kinfolk volume 10: potrivite cu lumina mai blanda, cu dupa-amiezele languroase si cu zgomote in surdina, cu timpul pretios al vacantei care se scurge lent, cu racoarea abia simtita seara, cu bossa novele exotice si cu ritm fluid fredonate de Ive Mendes… „With humans it is like this: our histories recorded in wrinkles and joints and muscles and marrows. With trees, there’s also an inscribed physical history in bark and grain and burls and

„There’s one part of life that we won’t surrender to the aggresive forces of „noise, news, now” in our house: we will fight to protect Saturdays. […] What does protecting Saturday look like, you ask? Well, it can take a million different shapes, but a typical protected Saturday looks something like this… We wake up naturally – either the sun’s light or the quiet whisper for coffee calls us from bed. Then we spend the morning watching the sailboats from the balcony and walking to the bakery for the greatest

Vacantele de vara sunt in full swing, nu mai exista weekend fara o fuga la mare sau un picnic intr-un loc umbros. Si eu numar zilele, desi inca nu m-am hotarat unde plec… Dar stiu ca trebuie sa fie un loc linistit, cu sau fara cocotieri, dar unde sa ma pot rupe total de munca. Si unde sa nu am nevoie de prea multe haine! Surprinzator, pe vremuri eram genul care inghesuia o intreaga garderoba intr-un geamantan, iar apoi, printre rochii de plaja si tricouri, mai strecura inca doua costume