Nu mai demult de 3 ani, atunci cand Hannah McGibbon propunea o colectie declinata doar in nuante de caramel, caffe latte, ruginiu si capuccino, bejul camel era culoarea vedeta a toamnei. Astazi, a depasit toate predictiile fashion, s-a instaurat bine in garderobele noastre, iar in moda strazii si-a gasit propria expresie stilistica, departe de declinarile artificiale sau saptezeciste. Ca sa scapam de aura demodata a bejului camel, ar trebui sa renuntam la dress code-urile cu aer retro si business, in favoarea unor constructii mix & match indraznete. Aveti senzatia ca
„The French, when they can’t remember something, blame it on a „hole in the memory”. Through the hole in my memory have passed not only the names of the people I met 10 minutes ago, the combination for the lock on my suitcase and the plots of Henry James’s novels, but also some inner sense of who I was at various times in my life. Looking over my shoulder, I regard whole chapters of my past as the misadventures of a stranger, though of course the stranger was me. A