„Happiness is more than the absence of pain; it is a radical shift from one state into another. It is a subtle transference of energy from darkness into light. It’s a smell like jasmine or burnt sugar on the crust of a pie. It’s the sound of a zipper on a new dress or the wet sandpaper tongue of a cat: anything that jolts introspection and forces you up and out. When you want to feel happy, try to change your context – move into a beam of sunlight, thrust
„Cei mai multi dintre noi stim ca politicienii au un talent unic”, spunea la un moment dat Annalisa Barbieri, critica de moda pentru The Guardian si The Independent. „Dati-le o tinuta sau o fraza si o vor transforma in cel mai complicat, ilogic si plictisitor mod posibil.” Stilul sever, masculin, lipsit de individualitate al majoritatii femeilor din politica (fie ca se imbraca doar in taioare gri, fie ca aleg drept unic si repetitiv accesoriu un discret colier de perle) a stat drept dovada pentru argumentarea citatului. Aceleasi caracteristici ale non-stilului