Am ajuns la jumatatea anului, quite the milestone. Ca de fiecare data, ma gandesc ce am realizat in ultimele luni, ce a ramas de facut, ce vise vreau sa transform in realitate. Ca de fiecare data, caut un citat sau un paragraf care sa exprime aceste stari si ganduri. L-am gasit, este mai jos – iar citindu-l, am realizat cat de mult ne traim viata contra contra cronometru, contra unei liste pe care bifam lucruri, fara sa mai traim pur si simplu. Voi cum traiti? „When your life is messy,
„What is it for a person to be cool? We use the word „cool” in a variety of ways: to indicate a low temperature, to signal general approval or to describe an emotional state or person’s temperament. Additionally, some people use the word „cool” a if it were synonymous with „fashionable”, and thus would claim that something s being cool is a matter of its being approved of by the relevant group. Yet it would be aesthetically naive to think that a person can count as cool merely in virtue
„Clothes matter: we care abut what we wear, and not caring is usually a sign of depression, madness or the resignation to our imminent death. I don’t believe people who tell me that they are not interested in clothes or what they wear. I think they mean that they are not interested in fashion, and believe that following the trends is a waste of time. They look for comfort and a reasonable fit in the clothes they buy and that will do. But such an attitude lies on the surface.
Taur: 21 aprilie – 21 mai Lux, calm si puritate: acestea sunt cuvintele de ordine ale femeii Taur. Adepta a stilului Zen vestimentar – desi nu o vei vedea niciodata imbracata in portocaliul monastic al calugarilor budisti – , este genul de femeie care detine o centura neagra foarte soft in ale minimalismului. Cu toate ca este o femeie atragatoare si pasionala, opteaza pentru siluete stricte (cu alura sexy), adora liniile geometrice, piesele cu croieli simple dar riguroase, materialele naturale (bumbac, matase, lana, casmir). De cele mai multe ori o