„One of the most perplexing aspects of fashion is its preoccupation with change, and hence with time. Its mutability is the point. Even those who take (or claim to take) no particular interest in clothes will, by accident or passivity, nonetheless go with the fashion flow. […] We can date old photographs by what people wore, how they styled their hair, the contours with which the women drew their mouths. If we were to propel ourselves back to the 1920s we would notice at once that there were only three
La fiecare inceput de sezon, revistele care se respecta lanseaza pe piata un supliment de tendinte: o editie separata, care trece in revista colectiile cele mai importante, directiile stilistice si cromatice esentiale ale sezonului, iti recomanda piese cheie samd. Saptamana trecuta Harper’s Bazaar si-a lansat acest supliment, intimidant de bine pus la punct si cu atat de multe informatii incat, pe buna dreptate, o pot considera Biblia modei pentru primavara-vara 2012 (daca apare vreun comentariu legat de „biblie”, voi inlocui cu „mega-referinta” sau ceva similar, ati inteles ideea….) Dincolo de