„In our part of the country, spring passes quickly. If you haven’t been out for five days, you find the trees in bud. If you don’t see the trees for another five days, you discover that they’ve put out leaves. In another five days, they’re so green you wouldn’t recognize them. It makes you wonder: Can these be the same trees I saw a few days before? And you answer yourself: Of course they are. That’s how fast spring goes by. You can almost see it. From far away it
Suntem la mijloc de sezon. Personal, il simt drept o perioada plina de entuziasmul innoirii, de bucuria redescoperirii de sine si a garderobei proprii, de surpriza posibilitatii unui nou inceput, a unui nou capitol de viata. Sper din tot sufletul ca si pentru voi este asa! Am simtit ca ultimele saptamani au fost mai pline, mai efervescente, mai glorioase decat cele de la inceputul anului. Am bifat multe proiecte, am luat cateva hotarari importante si pentru termen lung, am facut cateva calatorii care mi-au umplut sufletul (sper ca imi voi