De cate ori nu vi s-a intamplat sa renuntati, cu regrete, la niste pantaloni superbi dintr-un magazin, de teama ca nuanta sau materialul va fac posteriorul sa para „mai mare”? Cat de des ati lasat la cabina de proba o fusta simpatica, pe motiv ca croiala pare sa va lateasca soldurile? Sa va aduc aminte cat de multe rochii seducatoare, vesele sau interesante nu ati cumparat, doar pentru ca vreun fashion guru sau fashionista cu aplomb au declarat ca femeile cu silueta de tip Para, Capsuna, Mar sau cine mai
The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning. The weeks that come before are only a climb from balmy spring, and those that follow a drop to the chill of autumn, but the first week of August is motionless, and hot. It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons, and sunsets smeared with too much color. Often at night there is lightning,
Spune-mi daca te regasesti in vreuna din situatiile de mai jos: Nu stii cu ce sa te mai imbraci dimineata… desi ai dulapul plin de haine. Te-ai plictisit sa tot repeti aceleasi tinute… desi iti cumperi des haine noi. Te oboseste gandul la muntele de haine pe care il vei lua la cabina de proba… desi shoppingul iti facea candva placere. Sunt doar trei din cele mai intalnite si mai stresante situatii in care se poate gasi o femeie. De fapt, nu atat ele ne streseaza, cat intrebarile, nemultumirile, frustrarile
“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside. Summer, dropping so easily a delicious everything upon your skin and lips. Like a never-ending kiss—taunting, deep, and luscious. The sun. The heat. The thousand echoes of a timelessness before time, when every day seems longer than the next and no day seems likely to ever truly end. Summer.” Stiu – inca nu suntem in iunie, inca nu a inceput vara. Dar este aici; o simtiti, nu-i asa? Diminetile sunt perfecte,
„In our part of the country, spring passes quickly. If you haven’t been out for five days, you find the trees in bud. If you don’t see the trees for another five days, you discover that they’ve put out leaves. In another five days, they’re so green you wouldn’t recognize them. It makes you wonder: Can these be the same trees I saw a few days before? And you answer yourself: Of course they are. That’s how fast spring goes by. You can almost see it. From far away it
Suntem la mijloc de sezon. Personal, il simt drept o perioada plina de entuziasmul innoirii, de bucuria redescoperirii de sine si a garderobei proprii, de surpriza posibilitatii unui nou inceput, a unui nou capitol de viata. Sper din tot sufletul ca si pentru voi este asa! Am simtit ca ultimele saptamani au fost mai pline, mai efervescente, mai glorioase decat cele de la inceputul anului. Am bifat multe proiecte, am luat cateva hotarari importante si pentru termen lung, am facut cateva calatorii care mi-au umplut sufletul (sper ca imi voi
La fiecare editie Style Masterclass (si aproape cu fiecare noua clienta de personal styling), intrebarea asta apare la un moment dat: „ar trebui sa imi asortez geanta cu pantofii? care e varianta moderna? care mai sunt regulile?” La Style Masterclass raspunsul meu e detaliat si explicit. Insa pe scurt, raspunsul meu ar fi „deloc, din contra!” Nu numai ca geanta si pantofii vostri nu trebuie sa fie identici cromatici, matchy-matchy cum se spune, ba chiar va incurajez sa ii alegeti diferiti! Diferiti, dar nu oricum… Pentru ca, dupa cum bine
„Spring immediately conjures up thoughts of new beginnings, fresh growth and revived ideas. In a romanticised conception of the season, the landscape begins to look like a Claude Monet painting and everything begins to be lighter and in a beautiful state of flux. During this period of transformation, there are some traditions to which I constantly return: Early morning breakfast dates: while winter is conducive to the pleasant indulgences of sleeping in and breakfast in bed, the shift brought about by spring demands different morning rituals, that include venturing outside.
In viata fiecareia dintre noi exista momente cand ne confruntam cu alegerea unor optiuni. Putem alege directia A, cu tot ce implica aceasta decizie… sau directia B, urmata de cu totul alt gen de consecinte. Cele mai multe dintre noi suntem suficient de rationale, constiente si norocoasa sa recunoastem aceste momente, aceste rascruci de drum in care ni se pun la dispozitie mai multe carari. Alte persoane – sau poate tot noi, in alte circumstante – nu intelegem ca in acel moment exista mai mult decat o singura optiune. Dar
„Every adult life could be said to be defined by two great love stories”, scrie Alain de Botton in Status Anxiety. „The first – the story of our quest for sexual love – is well known and well charted, its vagaries form the staple of music and literature, it is socially accepted and celebrated. The second – the story of our quest for love from the world – is a more secret and shameful tale. If mentioned, it tends to be in caustic, mocking terms, as something of interest chefly